August 24, 2023

Ayite Beugre – Spreading the message of generosity to widows and orphans

In this twenty-fourth episode of the Inspiring Stewards podcast, Nathan Jones speaks with Ayite Beugre from Côte d’Ivoire, Africa. Ayite is a minister with the United Methodist Church and has a ministry that serves orphans and widows. She testifies how GTP teaching on generosity impacted her and how she has spread it among those she serves. They give God what they have, like rice and corn, and joyfully meet real needs around them. She concludes by proclaiming that the best way for Christians and churches to make impact in our communities is to spread the Stations of Generosity training widely and be ourselves the message.
July 31, 2023

Prosper Deh – Encouraging Christians to pray and work to make the world better

In this twenty-third episode of the Inspiring Stewards Podcast, Nathan Jones speaks with Dr. Prosper Deh from Togo, Africa. Dr. Deh serves as the Francophone Africa regional representative for the African Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA). He sees stewardship as our responsibility from the personal to the organizational to the national to the global level, where Christians have to embody values like honesty, love, forgiveness, justice, and solidarity in their life. He concludes by challenging Christians to not just pray but also work to make this world better.
June 29, 2023

Paulo Feniman – Caring for missionaries with God’s money

In the twenty-second episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Paulo Feniman from Brazil. He mobilizes missionaries serving as executive director with African Inland Mission and as board chair of two networks: Brazilian Mission Association and COMIBAM. Right now, he sees God at work raising up missionaries to reach people in unreached places. He wants everyone to recognize the importance of viewing all money as belonging to God. He concludes by reminding us to discern God’s direction as we serve Him and to trust God to provide for His work.
May 31, 2023

Claudia Blanco – Being on the journey of stewardship

In the twenty-first episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Claudia Blanco from El Salvador. She has a wide range of experiences and currently serves with Haggai International. She came to Christ at a young age and describes herself as an evangelist. She urges listeners not to give God part their time and resources but to give Him all they are and all they have. She reminds us that some Christians are standing at the door of salvation, and they never move into this journey of stewardship. She concludes by challenging the pastors to bring renewal to the Christian church in Latin America by teaching people to play their role as faithful stewards.
April 28, 2023

Fiona Lambert – Inviting individuals to partner with God in His kingdom

In the twentieth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Fiona Lambert from the UK who serves with Tearfund. She shares how growing up in a mixed background gave her a unique perspective on life and positioned her to fix her identity in Christ rather her culture. As a fundraiser, she finds joy showing people opportunities to partner with God and invest in the work that's already going on. She emphasizes that stewardship is not just about our finances, but how we think about our day and what we do with what we have in our hands. She concludes by reminding us that we don't want to miss out on those opportunities that God gives us to contribute to His kingdom.
March 28, 2023

Barbara Shantz – Matching givers and receivers in partnership

In the nineteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Barbara Shantz from Canada. Barbara shares how her family background and her experience living in four countries have shaped her understanding of how it was like to live in both giving and receiving nations. She reports that her greatest joy in ministry comes from working in partnerships, when we give, receive, and include other believers. She talks about her passion for matching people with similar visions in healthy partnerships. She concludes by encouraging us to take ourselves less seriously and God much more seriously, and to truly enjoy the life He has given us.
February 24, 2023

Philip Chang – Living and working with integrity and excellence

In the eighteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Philip Chang from Malaysia. Philip talks about growing up in a multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religious society and how he came to Jesus. He shares his extensive corporate background and how he got involved in various cross-cultural ministries, testifying that God is at work in the world. He concludes by reminding us to be salt and light and to live a balanced Christian life carrying the Four Great Cs: the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, the Great Commendation, and the Great Collaboration.
January 26, 2023

Esther Zuluaga – Serving indigenous communities and displaced peoples

In the seventeenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Esther Zuluaga Gimenez from Colombia. She shares how God has placed in her heart a love for ethnic groups, which led her to serving different indigenous communities and the unreached Pashtun people of Afghanistan. She recounts how GTP’s webinars, trainings, and the Palmful of Maize video have strengthened and empowered her service. She concludes by reminding us that God is the one who brings about change in all aspects of our lives and that our role is to commit ourselves to prayer, the most powerful weapon God has given us.
December 21, 2022

Jim Young – Shepherding people to steward their gifts and passions

In the sixteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Jim Young from New Zealand. Jim discusses his Christian journey from shepherding sheep to shepherding people, and how God has used him in various areas, particularly in Malawi, Africa, where he spent 17 years doing missionary work with Sunday school teachers and children. As a co-founder of STUM (Sunday School Teachers’ United Movement), he encourages us to help people steward their spiritual gifts and passion. Jim concludes by reminding us to fix our eyes on Jesus and find a balance between being realistic and optimistic as we keep on doing God’s work.
August 24, 2023

Ayite Beugre – Spreading the message of generosity to widows and orphans

In this twenty-fourth episode of the Inspiring Stewards podcast, Nathan Jones speaks with Ayite Beugre from Côte d’Ivoire, Africa. Ayite is a minister with the United Methodist Church and has a ministry that serves orphans and widows. She testifies how GTP teaching on generosity impacted her and how she has spread it among those she serves. They give God what they have, like rice and corn, and joyfully meet real needs around them. She concludes by proclaiming that the best way for Christians and churches to make impact in our communities is to spread the Stations of Generosity training widely and be ourselves the message.
July 31, 2023

Prosper Deh – Encouraging Christians to pray and work to make the world better

In this twenty-third episode of the Inspiring Stewards Podcast, Nathan Jones speaks with Dr. Prosper Deh from Togo, Africa. Dr. Deh serves as the Francophone Africa regional representative for the African Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA). He sees stewardship as our responsibility from the personal to the organizational to the national to the global level, where Christians have to embody values like honesty, love, forgiveness, justice, and solidarity in their life. He concludes by challenging Christians to not just pray but also work to make this world better.
June 29, 2023

Paulo Feniman – Caring for missionaries with God’s money

In the twenty-second episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Paulo Feniman from Brazil. He mobilizes missionaries serving as executive director with African Inland Mission and as board chair of two networks: Brazilian Mission Association and COMIBAM. Right now, he sees God at work raising up missionaries to reach people in unreached places. He wants everyone to recognize the importance of viewing all money as belonging to God. He concludes by reminding us to discern God’s direction as we serve Him and to trust God to provide for His work.
May 31, 2023

Claudia Blanco – Being on the journey of stewardship

In the twenty-first episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Claudia Blanco from El Salvador. She has a wide range of experiences and currently serves with Haggai International. She came to Christ at a young age and describes herself as an evangelist. She urges listeners not to give God part their time and resources but to give Him all they are and all they have. She reminds us that some Christians are standing at the door of salvation, and they never move into this journey of stewardship. She concludes by challenging the pastors to bring renewal to the Christian church in Latin America by teaching people to play their role as faithful stewards.
April 28, 2023

Fiona Lambert – Inviting individuals to partner with God in His kingdom

In the twentieth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Fiona Lambert from the UK who serves with Tearfund. She shares how growing up in a mixed background gave her a unique perspective on life and positioned her to fix her identity in Christ rather her culture. As a fundraiser, she finds joy showing people opportunities to partner with God and invest in the work that's already going on. She emphasizes that stewardship is not just about our finances, but how we think about our day and what we do with what we have in our hands. She concludes by reminding us that we don't want to miss out on those opportunities that God gives us to contribute to His kingdom.
March 28, 2023

Barbara Shantz – Matching givers and receivers in partnership

In the nineteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Barbara Shantz from Canada. Barbara shares how her family background and her experience living in four countries have shaped her understanding of how it was like to live in both giving and receiving nations. She reports that her greatest joy in ministry comes from working in partnerships, when we give, receive, and include other believers. She talks about her passion for matching people with similar visions in healthy partnerships. She concludes by encouraging us to take ourselves less seriously and God much more seriously, and to truly enjoy the life He has given us.
February 24, 2023

Philip Chang – Living and working with integrity and excellence

In the eighteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Philip Chang from Malaysia. Philip talks about growing up in a multicultural, multilingual, and multi-religious society and how he came to Jesus. He shares his extensive corporate background and how he got involved in various cross-cultural ministries, testifying that God is at work in the world. He concludes by reminding us to be salt and light and to live a balanced Christian life carrying the Four Great Cs: the Great Commission, the Great Commandment, the Great Commendation, and the Great Collaboration.
January 26, 2023

Esther Zuluaga – Serving indigenous communities and displaced peoples

In the seventeenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Esther Zuluaga Gimenez from Colombia. She shares how God has placed in her heart a love for ethnic groups, which led her to serving different indigenous communities and the unreached Pashtun people of Afghanistan. She recounts how GTP’s webinars, trainings, and the Palmful of Maize video have strengthened and empowered her service. She concludes by reminding us that God is the one who brings about change in all aspects of our lives and that our role is to commit ourselves to prayer, the most powerful weapon God has given us.
December 21, 2022

Jim Young – Shepherding people to steward their gifts and passions

In the sixteenth episode of Inspiring Stewards, Nathan Jones speaks with Jim Young from New Zealand. Jim discusses his Christian journey from shepherding sheep to shepherding people, and how God has used him in various areas, particularly in Malawi, Africa, where he spent 17 years doing missionary work with Sunday school teachers and children. As a co-founder of STUM (Sunday School Teachers’ United Movement), he encourages us to help people steward their spiritual gifts and passion. Jim concludes by reminding us to fix our eyes on Jesus and find a balance between being realistic and optimistic as we keep on doing God’s work.