Rebecca Nilanjana

Regional Facilitator for South Asia

Rebecca is a management professional who has worked in the corporate sector in various capacities such as Human Resource, Governance, Internal Controls, and Ethics. She holds a Masters in the area of Corporate Responsibility Management with a strong focus on Compliance and Ethics standards in organizations.

Rebecca currently serves as Growth Strategist for NobleRank, the peer accountability group in India. She also serves as the Director of M/s SPRM & CO LLP, an audit firm active in the nonprofit space.

She has founded and leads M/s VisionLead Consulting Private Limited, an organization focused on building organizations, strengthening systems, and enabling them to fulfill their organizational objectives through effective management.

Rebecca facilitates GTP efforts in the following 8 countries in the South Asia region: Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka.