Michael Cherenkov, PhD

Languages spoken: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Michael (Mykhailo) Cherenkov is pastoring Revival Baptist Church in Vancouver, WA. He has 20 years of experience in international missions in Eastern Europe and post-Soviet countries as executive director of field ministries, as an educator, and as a former board member of different NGOs. He has a passion for the next generations of ministry workers able to teach and practice theologically sound, intellectually creative, culturally relevant, and financially sustainable models of ministries in this vast region.
Born in Soviet Russia, raised in Ukraine in a family of a former prisoner of conscience, Dr. Cherenkov is the author of several books and the co-author of A Future and a Hope: Mission, Theological Education, and the Transformation of Post-Soviet Society (with Dr. Joshua Searle).
He has an MA in History and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies. He is married to Nina and they have four daughters.