How is God using ordinary people to turn the tide of corruption?
January 20, 2020
From Struggling to Stability: Autismo Guatemala, G2G, and GTP
February 20, 2020South Asia January 2020 Field Report
I’d like to report five encouraging developments in January 2020 linked to building faithful stewards and advancing peer accountability in India. Each one reflects ongoing collaboration between GTP and local organizations.
1. Christian Institute for Management (CIM) hosts biblical governance seminars in Chennai, New Delhi, and Bengaluru
Dr. Gary G. Hoag, President & CEO of GTP, served 55 board members and other executives in three cities. He delivered biblical teaching and practical tools based on the book, The Council: A Biblical Perspective on Board Governance. Participants said the content was “biblical, timely, fantastic, empowering, much-needed, excellent, and inspiring.” Rather than do one off events, GTP works with CIM, the largest training organization for Christian workers in India, so the CIM staff can take the teaching to other venues throughout the year.
2. Women of Worth (WoW) plans to spread Journey of Empowerment (JOE) across India
Ms. Ereny Monir, VP of Training & Empowerment for GTP, led 30 women through JOE in Chennai, New Delhi, and Bengaluru. Three WoW executives also participated. They loved the design and flow of JOE, so in collaboration with GTP, they plan to share this training with other networks across India. JOE is a replicable tool uses a mix of Scripture and activities to help people discover how real stewards can bring about community transformation by combining standards and accountability. Participants repeatedly expressed that JOE was “amazing!”
3. Financial Management Service Foundation (FMSF) hosts fundraising seminar in New Delhi
Dr. Sanjay Patra, Executive Director of FMSF, convened fundraisers from 50 NGOs for a “how-to seminar” and the feedback was off the charts. Dr. Gary G. Hoag taught attendees how to draft a case statement, how to maximize multi-channel communication, how to create a great website, how to grow annual giving, how to encourage monthly and multi-year support, how to build a major gifts program, how to write grants and reports, and how to do events to build community. An advanced session is planned for August 2020 to maintain local momentum.
4. CIM also hosted a CEO Retreat in Goa
Four speakers combined to serve a dozen new CEO’s on topics related biblical governance, faithful administration, and local fundraising. Dr. Jayakumar Christian, Dr. B.D. Das, Dr. Gary G. Hoag, and Dr. Sanjay Patra each delivered multiple sessions and spent a weekend instructing and coaching this select group. CIM plans to work with this cohort in an on-going way and engage them in mentoring others to multiply the impact of the effort.
5. EFAC and the future of peer accountability in India
The Evangelical Financial Accountability Council has been inactive for many months as the Executive Director position has been vacant and as the entity has lacked start-up funding. However, in 2020, Rev. Kennedy Dhanabalan, who previously served as Executive Director of The Evangelical Fellowship of India Commission on Relief (EFICOR), has agreed to serve part-time in this role starting in April 2020. This is encouraging as he is a trusted leader with a vision to advance financial accountability and transparency in ministries across India. Look for key people across India to join him to help reignite interest in this movement in 2020.
God is at work in India. The impact is growing exponentially as GTP works in partnership with trusted organizations and networks. Pray for God’s blessing on each of these organizations and specifically for additional start-up funding for EFAC.