From Starting Ministry During Wartime to Strengthening Churches for Sustainability: Karnplay Church of the Nazarene and GTP
March 11, 2024
GTP at 5
April 3, 2024Investing in the lives of the youth
In this thirty-first episode of the Inspiring Stewards podcast, Nathan Jones speaks Khurram Younis from Pakistan. Currently serving as Director of Ignite NextGen and GTP Country Coordinator for Pakistan, Khurram shares about his deep passion for serving the youth, planting the seed of God's Word in their lives, and trusting that God will nurture it and bring fruit. He speaks of the importance of stewardship and accountability in all aspects of our lives, including our ministry. He concludes by reminding listeners to be attentive and receptive to God’s ongoing work in them.
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The music is Concerto a’ 4 Violini No 2 by Telemann played on classical guitar by Jon Sayles. Published by Exzel Music.
Length: 13:53
This month, we head to Pakistan to meet with Khurram Younis, who is leading a gospel movement among youth currently as the Director for Ignite NextGen, and this, in a country that is less than 2% Christian.
I'm Nathan Jones and it is a pleasure to serve as your host on this episode of the Inspiring Stewards podcast.
Khurram, thank you for your time. I'm looking forward to hearing more of your story and how you're seeing God at work in your context. So, give us a little bit of background of your story, where you're from, family of origin, that sort of thing.
Thank you so much for this opportunity that I can share the things about me with you. My name is Khurram Younis from Pakistan. I have done my Bachelor's in Commerce and Bachelor's in Mass Communication and then, Master's in Divinity.
I have served in PFES, that is IFES movement in Pakistan for 20 years. Then, also I’ve served as a computer teacher in a missionary school for 12 years. Then, I’ve served as a country director in Global Lead for one year, then as volunteer in First Priority for one year. And after that, I have served with One Hope Program Lead Today for 1.5 years. Presently, I am serving as a director in Ignite NextGen.
So, I got married to a beautiful lady. She did Master's in Business Administration and working in a renowned bank. We have two daughters. Elder one is 11 years old and studying in fifth grade. Younger one is seven years old and she is studying in grade one. And my father slept in the Lord in August 2018. Now, we are living with our mother.
I grew up in a poor Christian family, where my parents, despite their limited education and finances, shared a strong bond with each other and with God. They were regularly in church going, and especially my mother. Because most of the time, my father was on the job.
As the eldest among my two brothers and a younger sister, my parents were dedicated towards our faith, education, and taught us valuable life lessons. We were actively involved in Sunday school and church activities.
I have done my schooling from government institutes as there were no high fees required. However, studying Islamic studies is a mandatory subject. I used to recite the Holy Quran in primary school.
One day, my teacher asked me to recite the Kalma. And you know, they believe in this thing that if you recite the Kalma, then you will be a Muslim. So I did that, and she declared me a Muslim. And these things made me confused about my religious identity. Was I Christian anymore or become Muslim?
As I started middle school, I struggled with my religious identity. One day, my teacher asked me to read from the Holy Quran, and I offered Islamic prayer at home. And he warned me that if you would not do it, God will get annoyed from you, and you will be considered a sinner.
Since I respected God and went to Sunday school, I followed their advice to stay in God's good grace. I offered Islamic prayer at my home without knowing my family. The next day, my Muslim friends asked me about the prayer, and I proudly confirmed I had prayed.
So, they were excited. Later, I got an opportunity to start Bible courses through Pakistan Bible Correspondence School, and I started learning about God's teaching in the Bible in more organized way. And as a result, there was no more pressure of being Muslim, but I keep on struggling to find my identity in Christ.
Wow! Tell us about how you come into a personal relationship with Christ and what impact that then had on your life following that.
So, in 1998, when I was in ninth grade, a significant moment occurred during a church convention. The sermon was based on Matthew 16:13-20, focusing on Apostle Peter's confession about Jesus Christ in verse 16.
It was then that I felt God is calling me to confess my sins and accept Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I felt God chosen me for His glory. This experience was the beginning of a new life for me. Before this, I regularly attended church and participated in various activities. However, there were few aspects of my life that did not align with God's Word.
During the sermon, when the pastor prophesied about young boys involved in wrongdoing such as theft, smoking, and deceiving their parents, my friends and I jokingly pointed fingers at each other. But when the pastor called us forward for prayer, God spoke to me directly, urging me to leave behind those sinful behaviors and follow Him. In that very moment, I realized that the truth and power of God's Word.
I understood that through His Son, Jesus Christ, I could be free from my sins. All my doubts and confusions finished. I was assured about my faith and I knew the sovereignty of my living God. I found my identity as a child of God through Jesus Christ.
And after my spiritual awakening, I began leading Sunday school in my church and another area with my Sunday school fellows. However, after a year, I noticed a decline in their interest, which hurt me deeply.
It was then that God revealed a vision to me at the beginning of 2000 to serve among young people. Inspired by this vision, I invited my Sunday school friends to organize a youth program in church. With my pastor's approval, we arranged a program and 100 young people participated actively.
Despite facing criticism from some church elders, the event was incredibly blessed and enjoyable. I continued my work among youth, and started weekly Bible courses by Open Theological Seminary, and same year, I got baptized. This experience helped me grow spiritually.
A critical time in my background is with Youth for Christ, and so I can see the importance of working with youth at that stage in their life and how so many fall away. So, what a courageous ministry God called you into, for sure.
So, let's jump ahead to today. Give us an overview of what ministry the Lord has you involved in today, what that looks like.
During weekly Bible courses, a lady introduced me to the PFES, Pakistan Fellowship of Evangelical Students, that is IFES movement in Pakistan. After noticing my passion for young people, I attended a PFES annual camp in my city and was chosen as their representative in my city. So, joining PFES as part-time associate staff worker on April 1st, 2001, while studying for my B. Com degree. That was the start of my journey with the youth till the last breath of my life.
So, since then, I have led weekly Bible study groups, arranged monthly graduate Bible studies, prayer groups, get-togethers, leadership training programs, and summer camps, etc.
So, over the years, many students I have mentored have graduated and are now serving in various capacities, like some of them are church pastors and some are doing secular jobs as bankers, doctors, engineers, teachers, and businessmen. Along with that, they are sharing the gospel at their workplace.
So, I am grateful to God for His love and mercy throughout these years, experiencing His presence in my life. In December 2021, I resigned from PFES and joined PSSM, Pakistan's Sunday School Ministry, as the national coordinator of Lead Today program, that is One Hope’s program for teenagers.
In this role, I oversee youth leaders training nationwide. I traveled extensively across Pakistan, visiting both small and large cities to train youth leaders, pastors, and lay leaders. And I have hosted two international trainings in Pakistan, youth ministry training level one by Global Aid and leaders training by First Priority.
I have worked in various roles over the past 15 years, including as a computer operator in pharmaceutical distribution, and for six months as a computer operator teacher in high school for 12 years, and as accountant in a trading firm for three years. I have also accomplished theological education, completing a Bachelor's in Theology from Open Theological Seminary, and a Master's in Divinity from Sariput Bible Seminary.
Currently, I serve as director of Ignite NextGen, a youth ministry centered on Second Timothy, second chapter, and second verse focusing on discipleship, mentorship, and leadership development to fulfill the Great Commission.
That's wonderful! So, you're blending your professional world and ministry. And balancing both is a juggling act with the family. That's a lot. So, thank you for your contribution in that space and how God is using you in very critical work.
This is the Inspiring Stewards podcast. So, give us an overview of how the concept of stewardship is informing your life today?
Yeah, before discussing stewardship, I would like to share my favorite verse that reflects my approach to work and ministry. It is Colossians 3:23: “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for the human masters.”
This verse reminds me that everything I do, whether in my job or ministry, should be done wholeheartedly as if I am serving the Lord Himself. So, as God is the ultimate Creator and Controller of all things, I see myself as a steward of His blessings. He has entrusted me with talents, resources, and responsibilities, and it is my duty to use them wisely and creatively to enhance His kingdom.
I believe that I am accountable to God for everything He has given me, including the young people in my ministry. It is my responsibility to invest in their lives, guiding them to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and become an attractive instrument for extending God's kingdom on this earth.
Wonderful! Just opening your eyes and seeing what has God given me and where has He put me and how can I best use that to bring Him glory is a beautiful picture.
So as you take a step back and consider this, how are you seeing God at work around you, whether it's locally or on a larger scale?
Well, I observe that God's work is evident everywhere on this earth. When living things move from one place to another, it's a testament to God's ongoing creation. Many people acknowledge their sinfulness, confess, and turn to God, showing that He is at work in their lives. When individuals offer prayers, it's a clear indication of God's activity.
The cycle of birth and death further demonstrates God's handiwork during church gathering, worship, and Scripture reading, and we witness God's presence and activity when church send missionaries to share the gospel where it's not known. It's a sign of God's work in spreading His message.
In every aspect of life, we can recognize God's ongoing work. We just need to be attentive and receptive to it. In my own life, I have experienced God's guidance and provision, which affirms His presence and work in my life.
It’s beautiful! Last question, Khurram, anything else you would add and like to share with us today?
In every aspect of life, we can recognize God's ongoing work. We just need to be attentive and receptive to it. I think so. God has given each of us with a unique vision. And it's our responsibility to fulfill it in our lifetime. We only have one life, and within it, we must strive to accomplish the task as set before us by God.
By aligning our work with the vision given by God, we can pursue success. If you already know your vision, that's wonderful. But if you are still searching, it's essential to turn to Jesus Christ, who is the way and the truth and the life. Stepping out of our comfort zones and putting in hard work are crucial steps in this journey.
For the past 24 years, I have been deeply passionate about serving the youth. My aim is to plant the seed of God's Word in their lives, trusting that God will nurture it and bring fruit. At the end, I want to say that our youth is not our future, but our present, and they don't have to lead tomorrow, but they have to lead today.
Amen. Khurram, thank you for your time today. This has been wonderful.
Thank you so much. May God bless you.