Fiona Lambert – Inviting individuals to partner with God in His kingdom
April 28, 2023
Claudia Blanco – Being on the journey of stewardship
May 31, 2023From Seeking Mindset Change to Replicating Generosity Training: Bible for Christ Ministry and GTP
I am an Evangelist in the United Methodist Church in the Lusaka district, serving as Assistant Pastor at Emmanuel Parish. I also serve as the National Director of Bible for Christ Ministry in Zambia. Our ministry has partnered with over 700 churches providing evangelism and discipleship training, biblical literacy, and church planting programs since 2014. Through our programs, we reach out to people in the urban and rural parts of Zambia where the poverty rate is very high.
On my journey, I have been praying to God, asking for something to introduce to people in my country to encourage a change in our mindset and start thinking about how we can use the resources that God has given us. One day, I learned about an event in Lusaka from my pastor friend. It was called Stations of Generosity and hosted by Global Trust Partners as part of their Africa regional event. When I heard the word “generosity,” I got excited. I discerned this as God’s answer to my prayer!

Patience and Donald Mqwathi, GTP County Coordinator for South Africa, during a Stations of Generosity session in Lusaka, Zambia
I was blessed to be among the 38 participants from all over Africa and beyond: Angola, Botswana, Egypt, Hong Kong, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The 4-day program matched my desire to get equipped with trainings and tools to help my community and the churches in my network to shift their mindset from being receivers to givers.
But I learned quickly that the mindset change had to start with me. The program impacted me so much because I did not realise that we all have something that we can give. I used to think that I can only give when I have enough. I did not realize that God has already provided enough for me to share with others. Through Stations of Generosity facilitated by the great team from GTP – Chris Maphosa (GTP Regional Facilitator for EPSA), Ereny Monir (GTP VP for Training & Empowerment), Trevor Lui (GTP COO), Gabrielle Fortunato (GTP Regional Trainer for Africa), and Samuel Mujyanama (GTP Multimedia Specialist) – I learned that giving brings joy to both the giver and the receiver.

Patience among the participants of the GTP regional event in Lusaka, Zambia, held in March 2023
Aside from Stations of Generosity, I and my fellow participants also got to experience Journey of Empowerment. During the training, I said to myself, “How about if we replicate this in my country with our existing partner churches and organizations?” I thought that if my fellow Zambians could learn from Stations of Generosity and Journey of Empowerment, no one would live in poverty. Stations of Generosity teaches us that we all have got something to give, and Journey of Empowerment helps us to rediscover our true identity and to bring about change as faithful stewards following standards in community.
Another exciting thing happened during the event. Chris Maphosa invited me to become the GTP Country Coordinator for Zambia. He told me about the duties and responsibilities of this role. After praying about it, I accepted! I believe that it’s God’s calling and that the ministry I am presently active in and GTP complement one another. As we train people in evangelism and discipleship, we must also teach them to be generous and to live out their identity in Christ.
Immediately after the GTP regional event in Lusaka, I prayed and asked God if I can run with the vision of replicating these training programs. I vividly and clearly heard God telling me about Kabwe, the capital city of the central province of Zambia. So, I contacted one of our provincial coordinators who developed an interest in this training and convened a training of trainers for both Stations of Generosity and Journey of Empowerment in that area.

Patience, Lizzy Nakazwe, and the participants of Stations of Generosity and Journey of Empowerment in Kabwe, Zambia
I and my fellow facilitator, Lizzy Nakazwe, replicated Stations of Generosity and Journey of Empowerment in Kabwe in the Central Province of Zambia on 14-15 April 2023. A total of 42 participants attended and our experience in Kabwe was incredible. It was so encouraging seeing how the participants embraced the training and how excited they were. We saw God touching the participants’ lives through their confessions during and after the training.
Participants talked about the change in their hearts, confessing how ignorant they were in matters related to generosity. They also shared how they have decided to do things differently, starting with their families, then with their churches, and their communities at large. One participant said, “I have decided to give without fear because God gave generously. He owns everything and we are just stewards. This means that I don’t own what I have, it belongs to God.’’

Participants of Stations Generosity training in Kabwe, Zambia
We are beginning to see amazing initial impact! I am surprised to see what the Lord is already doing through this program. Indeed, God works in ways we cannot see. Just one week after the training, one of the participants, Pastor Kamalamba from Christian Community Church, testified that he has already introduced concepts he learned from Stations in his house. He said that each time they prepare a meal, his family agreed to save a palmful of corn powder – in our language, we call it “nshima” – and give it to church to help the needy. He has also replicated Stations with his local church members.
Another participant, Eunice Mangwato from Apostolic Faith Mission, replicated Stations with their children’s ministry. She told me, “Pastor Patience, I am so grateful for this training. I introduced it to the children today and they are so excited about it. They have learned to give! Starting next week, each of them has promised to bring something to share. My plan is to take whatever we will collect to the kids in the streets.”
As the GTP Country Coordinator for Zambia, I am so encouraged by the impact I am seeing from our training in Kabwe. It is my vision to replicate Stations of Generosity, Journey of Empowerment, and other GTP programs across the ten provinces in our country. I pray that there will be a great mindset change in many and that the dependency syndrome will stop. I am hopeful that my fellow Zambians will work hard as faithful disciples, help their neighbours, and by doing so, change their communities and our nation at large.
Pray for mindset change in Zambia. Pray that God will guide Pastor Patience to receptive people who will embrace and replicate the training in their communities and churches. Pray that God provides sufficient resources for this ministry to share both Stations of Generosity and the Journey of Empowerment across the ten provinces of his country. Pray for him and his family's health as they serve the Lord. With you!
De Buscar Un Cambio De Mentalidad A Replicar Entrenamientos De Generosidad: Ministerio Biblia Para Cristo Y GTP
Soy evangelista de la Iglesia Metodista Unida en el distrito de Lusaka y sirvo como pastor asistente en la parroquia Emmanuel. También me desempeño como Director Nacional del Ministerio Biblia para Cristo en Zambia. Nuestro ministerio se ha asociado con más de 700 iglesias brindando capacitación en evangelismo y discipulado, alfabetización bíblica y programas de plantación de iglesias desde 2014. A través de nuestros programas, llegamos a personas en las zonas urbanas y rurales de Zambia, donde la tasa de pobreza es muy alta.
En mi viaje, he estado orando a Dios, pidiendo algo que presentarle a la gente de mi país para alentar un cambio en nuestra forma de pensar y comenzar a pensar en cómo podemos usar los recursos que Dios nos ha dado. Un día, me enteré de un evento en Lusaka por medio de mi amigo pastor. Se llamó Estaciones de la Generosidad y fue organizado por Global Trust Partners como parte de su evento regional de África. Cuando escuché la palabra “generosidad”, me emocioné. ¡Percibí esto como la respuesta de Dios a mi oración!

Patience y Donald Mqwathi, Coordinador de País de GTP para Sudáfrica, durante una sesión de Estaciones de la Generosidad en Lusaka, Zambia
Fui bendecido de estar entre los 38 participantes de toda África y más allá: Angola, Botswana, Egipto, Hong Kong, Kenia, Malaui, Mozambique, Namibia, Ruanda, Sudáfrica, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia y Zimbabwe. El programa de 4 días coincidió con mi deseo de equiparme con capacitaciones y herramientas para ayudar a mi comunidad y a las iglesias de mi red a cambiar su mentalidad de ser receptores a ser dadores.
Pero aprendí rápidamente que el cambio de mentalidad tenía que comenzar conmigo. El programa me impactó mucho porque no me di cuenta de que todos tenemos algo que podemos dar. Solía pensar que sólo puedo dar cuando tengo suficiente. No me di cuenta de que Dios ya me había provisto lo suficiente para compartir con los demás. A través de Estaciones de la Generosidad facilitadas por el gran equipo de GTP: Chris Maphosa (Facilitador Regional de GTP para EPSA), Ereny Monir (VP de Capacitación y Empoderamiento de GTP), Trevor Lui (COO de GTP), Gabrielle Fortunato (Entrenadora Regional de GTP para África), y Samuel Mujyanama (Especialista en Multimedia de GTP): aprendí que dar trae alegría tanto al que da como al que recibe.

Patience entre los participantes del evento regional del GTP en Lusaka, Zambia, celebrado en marzo de 2023
Además de Estaciones de la Generosidad, mis compañeros participantes y yo también pudimos experimentar el Viaje de Empoderamiento. Durante el entrenamiento, me dije: "¿Qué tal si replicamos esto en mi país con nuestras iglesias y organizaciones asociadas?" Pensé que si mis compatriotas zambianos pudieran aprender de las Estaciones de la Generosidad y del Viaje de Empoderamiento, nadie viviría en la pobreza. Estaciones de la Generosidad nos enseña que todos tenemos algo que dar, y el Viaje de Empoderamiento nos ayuda a redescubrir nuestra verdadera identidad y lograr cambios como mayordomos fieles que siguen los estándares de la comunidad.
Otra cosa emocionante sucedió durante el evento. Chris Maphosa me invitó a ser el Coordinador de País de GTP para Zambia. Me habló de los deberes y responsabilidades de este rol voluntario. Después de orar por ello, ¡acepté! Creo que es el llamado de Dios y que el ministerio en el que estoy activo actualmente y GTP se complementan entre sí. Al entrenar a las personas en evangelismo y discipulado, también debemos enseñarles a ser generosos y a vivir su identidad en Cristo.
Inmediatamente después del evento regional GTP en Lusaka, oré y le pedí a Dios si podía correr con la visión de replicar estos programas de entrenamiento. Escuché vívida y claramente a Dios hablándome acerca de Kabwe, la ciudad capital de la provincia central de Zambia. Entonces, me comuniqué con uno de nuestros coordinadores provinciales, quien se interesó en este entrenamiento y convocó un entrenamiento de entrenadores para ambos Estaciones de la Generosidad y Viaje de Empoderamiento en esa área.

Patience, Lizzy Nakazwe y los participantes Estaciones de la Generosidad y Viaje de Empoderamiento en Kabwe, Zambia
Mi compañera facilitadora, Lizzy Nakazwe y yo, replicamos Estaciones de Generosidad y Viaje de Empoderamiento en Kabwe, en la Provincia Central de Zambia, los días 14 y 15 de abril de 2023. Asistieron un total de 42 participantes y nuestra experiencia en Kabwe fue increíble. Fue muy alentador ver cómo los participantes aceptaron el entrenamiento y lo emocionados que estaban. Vimos a Dios tocando la vida de los participantes a través de sus confesiones durante y después del entrenamiento.
Los participantes hablaron del cambio en sus corazones, confesando lo ignorantes que eran en temas relacionados con la generosidad. También compartieron cómo decidieron hacer las cosas de manera diferente, comenzando con sus familias, luego con sus iglesias y sus comunidades en general. Un participante dijo: “He decidido dar sin miedo porque Dios dio generosamente. Él es dueño de todo y nosotros sólo somos mayordomos. Esto significa que no soy dueño de lo que tengo, le pertenece a Dios”.

Participantes del entrenamiento Estaciones de la Generosidad en Kabwe, Zambia
We are beginning to see amazing initial impact! I am surprised to see what the Lord is already doing through this program. Indeed, God works in ways we cannot see. Just one week after the training, one of the participants, Pastor Kamalamba from Christian Community Church, testified that he has already introduced concepts he learned from Stations in his house. He said that each time they prepare a meal, his family agreed to save a palmful of corn powder – in our language, we call it “nshima” – and give it to church to help the needy. He has also replicated Stations with his local church members.
Another participant, Eunice Mangwato from Apostolic Faith Mission, replicated Stations with their children’s ministry. She told me, “Pastor Patience, I am so grateful for this training. I introduced it to the children today and they are so excited about it. They have learned to give! Starting next week, each of them has promised to bring something to share. My plan is to take whatever we will collect to the kids in the streets.”
As the GTP Country Coordinator for Zambia, I am so encouraged by the impact I am seeing from our training in Kabwe. It is my vision to replicate Stations of Generosity, Journey of Empowerment, and other GTP programs across the ten provinces in our country. I pray that there will be a great mindset change in many and that the dependency syndrome will stop. I am hopeful that my fellow Zambians will work hard as faithful disciples, help their neighbours, and by doing so, change their communities and our nation at large.