From Uncertainty to Unity: Youth For Christ USA and GTP
June 28, 2021
Attention All Attorneys and Accountants
August 11, 2021From Available to Appointed: SIM and GTP
I have been working full-time in Christian ministry since 1994 as an ordained pastor by the Associations of the United Baptist Church of Zimbabwe. My posture has always been to make myself “available” for God’s service following his leading. More recently, I have served as a missionary with Serving in Mission (SIM) since 2014.
While in that “available” posture, God gave me the opportunity to be the founding president of the newly formed African Professional Counselors Association and to serve as the board chair of Hope for Kids Zimbabwe. However, I had limited knowledge of how to lead board meetings.

Chris Maphosa with board members of Hope for Kids Zimbabwe
In God’s timing, as SIM missionaries, my wife Nancy and I attended the SIM Global Assembly in Johannesburg, South Africa in February 2018. Lots of programs were offered, but I registered for the board track hosted by René Palacio. I was curious to learn more about governance and how to lead board meetings. I also wanted to know what SIM board chairs are taught, how board members should be selected, and so on.
This is where I met Dr. Gary Hoag, who facilitated the training. Through those sessions, I found him to be a humble man of God whose biblical and practical teaching positively impacted me. I loved his heart, and I felt spiritually connected to him.
There is a moment I remember vividly in one of the four sessions. The room was packed with over 100 workers from about 50 countries. Gary had just finished delivering a powerful session and led us into a time of prayer. There was a power outage just as we began to pray.
As soon as the prayer time concluded, we were all sitting in the dark. So Gary added a short prayer to God, “God, please turn on the lights!” Immediately, the power came on. Many shouted, “The lights came on by prayer!” God opened our eyes in how to govern and authenticated the teaching with power. I subscribed to Gary’s email list after that.
Through the emails, I learned about GTP and its programs. I attended webinars, Template Training Tuesdays, and Journey of Empowerment (JOE). These online programs transformed me and my perception of stewardship, and equipped me to produce good stewards and faithful workers across the nations. I testify that I became a much better board chair and Christian servant because of lessons learnt from GTP.

Journey of Empowerment (JOE) participants in Johannesburg, South Africa on 22 May 2021
JOE, in particular, deeply impacted my life, ministry, and the team members I work with. Learning that each person matters, that we are part of something bigger, that we choose God’s path together to make a difference, and that we hold each other accountable to stay on track have been life-changing lessons for me and the team.
After going through JOE, I eagerly participated in the JOE TOT (Training of Trainers). As a man of action, I wanted to spread it to others. In May 2021, I facilitated an onsite JOE in Johannesburg, South Africa. I thank God that GTP funded the printing of 150 JOE manuals for in-person trainings.
Soon after that, I collaborated with Gary and Ereny Monir (GTP VP of Training & Empowerment) in hosting the online JOE Southern Africa for 18 workers from 7 countries: Ethiopia, Kenya, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. I am praying that coronavirus would soon be a thing of the past so that we could have more in-person events as it is most suitable in Africa where we typically encounter issues with power and connectivity.
I love that GTP not only aims to multiply stewards. They want ministries to follow consistent biblical standards. As a matter of fact, when I met Gary, he urged me to learn about the seven standards of the African Council for Accreditation and Accountability (AfCAA), the pan-African peer accountability group, and to get accredited with AfCAA as soon as possible. I am pleased to report that Today for Tomorrow has nearly completed the accreditation process.
While my love for GTP has continued to grow, God has opened yet another door. Gary informed me that Jonathan Onigbinde, the regional facilitator for the English, Portuguese, and Spanish-speaking Africa (EPSA) region, had agreed to serve for two years. He and Jonathan were praying for discernment to choose a successor.

Chris Maphosa on a Zoom call with Jonathan Onigbinde and Gary Hoag on 21 July 2021
Gary contacted me about this role and I prayed about it. After meeting with Gary and Jonathan, I felt the Spirit of God come upon me as Jonathan affirmed me as the suitable servant of the Lord to take over from him. Jonathan commissioned me as he passed the baton by faith, trust, and belief that this is of God.
On 26 July 2021, along with the entire GTP staff, Gary “appointed” me to this role, making it official. I am so excited and thankful to the Lord. My appointment to this role is God’s answer to my prayers. As the new regional facilitator for the EPSA region, I am passionate to help advance the GTP purpose. I also envision working closely with AfCAA. By God’s grace, I see many churches and organizations getting acquainted with and accredited by AfCAA.
I am eager to spread GTP programs to multiply generous stewards and grow local giving for EPSA churches and ministries. I am enthusiastic to cast the vision for compliance with AfCAA standards as a movement to promote faithful organizational stewardship. I am earnest to collaborate with the rest of the GTP team to spread the “With you!” culture to aid other available servants as GTP has empowered me.
I love people and I desire to see each servant of the Lord successful in ministry using whatever gift God gave him or her. Because doing God’s work is God’s way, may the Lord guide me, direct my path, and help me to be courageous in the power of the Holy Spirit as I begin serving in this new role.